25 January 2023

Around the World Baby Quilt


I mocked up this "Trip Around the World" baby quilt on graph paper and worked on it in 6x6-square sections. Ruby Star Society's Warp and Weft collection fabrics are lightweight and make for an extremely soft finished product!

23 January 2023

Winter Star Baby Quilt

This little wintry beauty was inspired by one I saw online somewhere last year... but I can't remember where! My notes say that it was called a "Christmas Star", but I can't find it. 

If anyone recognizes it, let me know! I think there was even a tutorial that I followed. 

22 February 2022

12 January 2021

Corner Stars Baby Quilt

FINALLY! Someone "ok with pink" had a baby. 

A Baby Girl (Quilt)

When my daughter was born (um... over 2 years ago...) I finally got to pull out this little patchwork quilt top that I'd been saving "just in case I have a girl" 💗. She's my second child, so... it's fitting that it has taken this long to post.